Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Squeeze the Ones Ya Love...

How much fun am I having photographing families while kids are home from school?!  This is a shot from one of those sessions.  This is a family full of boys and the moma.  They are all boy too! When the mom saw the photos, she said "I was laughing and crying at the same time!"  These photos have a lot of meaning to her.  Her second oldest is graduating from high school in December and has joined the Army. Her youngest is in the 7th grade.  She and her husband are so in love.  An awesome example to their kids about what love looks like after 20+ years of marriage.
I shot this photo in a series and didn't have to prompt the dad to sneak in a quick "unseen" squeeze! The sun was very bright here on the Space Coast of Florida, but I used a flash with a large diffuser for fill.

 Rock the Shot Forum has a November Photo Challenge..."What Family Means to You".  I just loved this shot and thought of it immediately.  Not a bunch of bells and whistles fixing it up.  Just emotion that a mom felt when she saw it. It's why I photograph. *smiles and sighs*.  Go squeeze the one ya love, people.